What is the basis for categorizing casters?

There are many types of casters, which are categorized into different types according to different standards.
If casters are categorized according to industry standards, they are mainly divided into industrial casters, medical casters, furniture casters, supermarket casters and so on.

Industrial casters
It mainly refers to a kind of caster products in factories and some large and small mobile mechanical equipment. Its materials include heat-resistant nylon wheels, as well as single wheels made of synthetic rubber and natural rubber. Meanwhile, some automobile factories also customize shock absorbing casters with springs on the casters to ensure that the products and materials will not be damaged.

Medical Casters
It is a caster used on medical equipment. These casters must ensure that there are no marks on the floor and must be super quiet, while also preventing foreign objects from getting tangled and avoiding emergencies. Also, it is used in chemical environments and therefore must be chemically resistant.

Furniture casters
With a small wheel size, there must be extremely high load requirements. In addition to this, he must avoid leaving no marks on floor tiles, floors and other surfaces.

Supermarket casters
It is based on flexibility. Its authorized load is not large and it does not require a high level of silence. It also needs to be lightweight and flexible.

Depending on the load, casters are roughly in the following series: small casters, light casters, medium casters, heavy casters, heavy duty casters.

Categorized by caster activity.

Divided into: fixed casters, universal casters, universal side brake casters, universal double brake casters.


Categorized by mounting method:

Divided into: directional casters, flat-top universal, flat-top brakes, wire-buckle universal, wire-mouth brakes, insert-rod universal, insert-rod brakes and so on.
Classified by material:
Polyurethane casters, polypropylene casters, synthetic rubber casters, natural rubber casters, high temperature resistant nylon casters, nylon casters, iron core red polyurethane casters.

Post time: Jan-12-2024