Correct use of industrial universal wheel, can increase the life of universal casters

In the market of the universal wheel there are different wheel specifications according to the different needs of consumers. This specification is based on the size of the diameter of the wheel and the ability of the wheel to withstand heavy loads to produce.

If we do not pay more attention when using the universal wheel. It will easily lead to the damage of the universal wheel, which will greatly reduce the service life of the universal wheel. Therefore, correctly grasp the method of using the universal wheel. It will have a good impact on the life of the universal wheel.

21F 弧面铁芯PU万向

Installation Precautions

1、The casters must be installed in the position indicated by the manufacturer for the design.
2、The mounted caster bracket must be strong enough to meet the load capacity when used.
3、The function of the casters must not be altered or affected by the mounting device.
4. The axle of the transit wheel must always be vertical.
5、Fixed casters must be in a straight line with their axles.
6, if all only use swivel casters, they must be consistent.
7, If fixed casters are used in conjunction with swivel casters, all casters must be compatible with each other and must be recommended by the manufacturer.


Cautions for the use of universal wheel

1、Please do not exceed the maximum load of the instructions for use, overload use will cause the cause of accidents.

2、Please don’t use it in acid, alkali, salt, oil, water and other special environment.

3、Please don’t brake pads brake the wheel in the state of forcible transfer.

4、Please don’t walk on the ground with big difference of using height or significant unevenness.

5、Please do not in the temperature and temperature extreme special field
Select the right universal wheel products need to be considered in all aspects

People in the choice of universal wheel products, many times consider not very full aspects, often just focus on whether its quality, but ignored the choice of this universal wheel products are suitable for them.

1, first of all, to choose the right universal wheel wheel material: usually wheel material has nylon, rubber, polyurethane, elastic rubber, iron core wrapped polyurethane, cast iron, plastic and so on. Polyurethane wheels regardless of indoor and outdoor ground traveling, can meet your handling requirements; elastic rubber wheels can be applied to the hotel, medical Liao apparatus, wooden floors, tile floors, and other requirements for walking on the ground when the noise is small and quiet; maintenance of the main task is to give the casters moving parts with lubricant, followed by the negotiation of the attached in the movement of the material, the result is that the wheels of the outer skin (polyurethane) fall off, broken columns, the frame deformation. Nylon wheel, iron wheel is suitable for the ground is not flat or the ground has iron shavings and other substances on the site.

2, choose the diameter of the universal wheel: usually the larger the diameter of the wheel the more easy to promote, the greater the load capacity is also the greater at the same time also better able to protect the ground from damage, the size of the wheel diameter should be considered first of all the weight of the load and load under the starting thrust of the truck to decide.

3, the correct choice of universal wheel support: usually choose the appropriate universal.

Post time: Feb-19-2024