Caster maintenance tips to make your equipment durable

Universal casters, also known as movable casters, are widely used in a variety of equipment, tools, and furniture to facilitate movement and position adjustment. Proper maintenance methods can extend the service life of the universal wheel and ensure the normal operation of the equipment. Here are some suggestions to help you better maintain your universal casters:


1. Regular cleaning

Use a soft brush or clean rag to clean the gimbal and its surrounding area regularly. Remove dust and dirt to prevent wear and rust. For stubborn stains, use a mild detergent.

2. Lubrication Maintenance

Apply appropriate amount of lubricant, such as grease, lubricant, etc., to the surface of the clean and tidy universal wheel. Regular lubrication can reduce friction, lower wear and prolong service life.

3. Check the wheel axle

Regularly check the wheel axle and connecting parts of the universal wheel to make sure they are firm and not loose. If wear or damage is found, they should be replaced promptly.

4. Avoid overloading

Ensure that the universal wheel is used within the normal load range. Overuse or overloading may cause the wheel axle to bend, deform, or even break.


5. Avoid impact

Try to avoid strong impacts on the universal wheel, such as using it on uneven ground. Impacts may cause problems such as broken axles and deformed wheels.

6. Regular replacement

Replace the universal wheel regularly according to the frequency of use and environment of the equipment. The universal wheel used for a long time is easy to wear out and affect the performance of the equipment.

7. Storage Precautions

When the universal wheel is not in use, make sure it is stored in a dry, ventilated environment and avoid direct sunlight. Also, avoid pressing heavy objects on the wheel to avoid deformation.

By following the above maintenance recommendations, you can ensure that the universal wheel is always in good condition and provides long-lasting support for your equipment.

Post time: Dec-06-2023